1. Who prayed for wisdom instead of wealth, and God granted it to him?
    • A) David
    • B) Solomon
    • C) Moses
    • D) Paul
  2. In the Book of Acts, whose prayer led to an angel freeing him from prison?
    • A) Peter
    • B) John
    • C) Paul
    • D) James
  3. Which book of the Bible is considered a collection of prayers in the form of songs?
    • A) Proverbs
    • B) Psalms
    • C) Lamentations
    • D) Ecclesiastes
  4. Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer during which famous sermon?
    • A) Sermon on the Mount
    • B) Sermon in the Temple
    • C) Sermon by the Sea
    • D) Sermon at Bethany
  5. Who prayed for the child and was rewarded with the birth of Samuel?
    • A) Ruth
    • B) Hannah
    • C) Sarah
    • D) Elizabeth

Here are the answers:

  1. Who prayed for wisdom instead of wealth?
    • Answer: B) Solomon. Solomon famously chose wisdom over wealth when God offered him anything he desired, leading to a reign celebrated for its wisdom and justice.
  2. Whose prayer led to an angel freeing him from prison in Acts?
    • Answer: A) Peter. In a miraculous turn of events, an angel appeared and freed Peter from prison after the community prayed fervently for his release.
  3. Which book is a collection of prayers in the form of songs?
    • Answer: B) Psalms. The Book of Psalms is a rich collection of prayers, hymns, and poems that express a wide range of emotions from joy to sorrow.
  4. During which sermon did Jesus teach the Lord’s Prayer?
    • Answer: A) Sermon on the Mount. The Lord’s Prayer is part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, where He provided instructions on how to pray.
  5. Who prayed for a child and was blessed with Samuel?
    • Answer: B) Hannah. Hannah’s heartfelt prayers and promises led to the birth of Samuel, whom she dedicated to God’s service.